Nbook of mormon archaeological finds

Scott bradley the constitution and the restoration of the gospel trailer. How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand ended up losing his faith. Some members of the mormon church have made fantastic claims about archaeologists using the book of mormon. Watch presentations about american archaeology and its parallels to the book of mormon civilizations. Titles on books full of archaeological halftruths, dilettanti on the peripheries of american archaeology calling themselves book of mormon archaeologists regardless of their education, and a department of archaeology at byu devoted to the production of book of mormon archaeologists do not insure that book of mormon archaeology really exists. Archaeological evidence makes it clear that all the grains, metals, silk and animals mentioned in the book of mormon did indeed exist in the lands of the book of mormon. It is a free book, which i hope you will share will your family and friends. Many latterday saints have not had access to sources which communicate how recent research has changed our understanding of the book of mormon as an ancient document. Underwater archaeology and the book of mormon in sorenson. To go along with your reading this week, i thought it would be fun to highlight seven archaeological discoveries related to these chapters in the book of mormon. Most, but not all, mormons hold the book s connection to ancient american history as an article of their faith. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on not only the subject of archaeology, but also on the reality of both biblical and book of mormon archaeology.

For example, one letter written by a prominent mormon, dated may 3, 1936, maintained that the book of mormon was used by the government to unravel the problem of the aborigines. It is part of a collection that includes book of mormon evidences, part two, book of mormon evidences, part three, and book of mormon nuggets contrary to the claims of our critics, there are many interesting findings that make it difficult to explain. This compilation of groundbreaking book of mormon articles is selected from over fifty years of lds scholarship published by byu studies. If you missed the bmaf messages announcing the change please go to and enter your email address. According to the church of jesus christ of latterday saints mormon church, the book of mormon is a divinely inspired revelation that is complimentary to the bible. Honestly, i feel like looking for archaeological evidence of the book of mormon is like looking for a needle in a field. What a charred lump of a 2,000yearold scroll can tell us about mormonism. Figure 3 juxtaposes book of mormon claims with current facts about mesoamerica, and the trend is quite remarkable. For one particular physical evidence, look no further than a plethora of archaeological sites.

Lost civilizations of north america documentary4, deborah bolnick on haplogroup x. Book of mormon archaeology is real, authentic, scientifically researched, a proven fact. Book of mormon evidence in american archaeology wayne may. Archaeology is not a dead science, and it continues to make new inroads that are applicable to book of mormon studies. Archaeological find supports the book of mormon lds living. Before we begin, i want to mention a few things to help you understand our presentation.

New archaeological discovery sheds light on nephis temple. Im not really interested in book of mormon archaeology. Book of mormon thought false by lds memberarchaelogist. Such an epitaph, taken from the title page of the book of mormon, captures the enduring bond between the man and the book, and also the controversy which coalesced around both with the book s publication and the organization of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints in 1830. Book of mormon archaeology articles mesoamerican antiquities. Many also are unaware of some rather surprising new discoveries supporting the book of mormon which have been brought about by the advanced methods of science. Annually, october 1, is the anniversary of a little known event in early church history that i believe, in consequence of significant research progress into 2019, now deserves recognition for identifying a region of major book of mormon lands and for initiating book of mormon archaeological historic research. The trend of finding archaeological confirmation for the book of mormon. Book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. He established the new world archaeological foundation, where his role as. Archaeology and the book of mormon, volume iii,the gospel through the ages,utah, the story of her people, 15401947 a.

This volume features articles on archaeological and anthropological aspects of the book of mormon, such as the use of the wheel in ancient america, hagoth and the polynesian tradition, the mulekites, ancient writing in the americas, and the use of metal. Is there any archaeological evidence for the book of mormon. Archaeological evidence for the book of mormon book of mormon. Archaeological trends and the book of mormon origins byu studies. First, it is a coauthored paper with wade ardern and matthew roper. Nonmormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. Book of mormon evidences, part one discusses some of the many factors supporting the plausibility of the book of mormon as an ancient document. First published in 1830, the book of mormon tells of the transoceanic migrations of two ancient near eastern peoples to the americas. Archaeology and the book of mormon lds critics frequently claim that while the bible has been proven to be accurate by the discoveries of archaeology, the book of mormon has no archaeological support. Many members of the latter day saint movement claim historical authenticity of the book of mormon. He is also the authorcoauthor of christ in ancient america. A remarkable book about exceptional people the book of mormon is a history of two amazing groups of people, the jaredites and the.

He proposed that the most likely location for the doomed city mentioned in the text would have been along the southwestern edge of the lake, even though he didnt expect that archaeological evidence for this would have survived. Paul minnesota temple, and currently is serving as gospel doctrine teacher of the menomonie wisconsin branch, oakdale, minnesota stake. Various apologists have claimed that events in the book of mormon took place in a variety of locations including north america, south america. In 2005, he published an article on archaeology and the book of mormon titled archaeology, relics and book of mormon belief see archaeology, relics, and book of mormon belief, journal of book of mormon studies 142 2005 publications. Beginning in 2008 we began sending out articles on the history, language, culture and geography of the book of mormon via the. Allen again began publishing the digest in a newspaper format which we continued on a quarterly basis for several years. Archaeological trends and book of mormon origins book of.

Claims book of mormon archaeology is based upon scant evidence is deception for the masses. With all the fascination of a wellplotted detective story, archaeology and the book of mormon by dr. Five compelling archeological evidences for the book of mormon. Generally non mormon archaeologists do not consider there to be any authentic book of mormon archaeological sites. In this post i wanted to emphasize physical evidencesstuff you can touch, see, feel. Kristine is active with wayne in the archaeological discoveries of the midwest. He is a 36 year convert to the lds church and has served in four branch presidencies, three elder quorum presidencies, seminary instructor, gospel doctrine instructor, veil worker at the st. I had sincerely hoped that bookofmormon cities would be. Correlations between izapa, mexico stela 5 tree of life and scriptures. This past year bmaf was acquired by book of mormon central and the newsletters discontinued. Archaeological evidence and the book of mormon fairmormon.

Many readers have posed this question, both out of genuine interest and also as a challenge to the book. Ancient perspectives on enos, jarom, omni, and words of mormon. They publish the quarterly magazine ancient american which covers precolumbian americas. To dismiss the book of mormon on archaeological grounds is shortsighted, as continuing discoveries provide ever more evidence that is consistent with the book. This year, our study is of the book of mormon and ive thoroughly enjoyed learning some additional things that relate to the book of mormon, such as archeological finds and history, religious festivals and events, quotes from apostles, prophets, etc that relate to the book. The continuing search for archaeological confirmation of the book of mormon. Wayne and kristine are the parents of seven children, and grandparents to twenty two. Book of mormon difficulties, contradictions and explanations. Although many important archaeological discoveries were made, the evidence he had desired to find to support the book of mormon did not turn up. Archaeology and the book of mormon milton r hunter home.

Hunter weaves into this book the latterday discoveries among the peoples of the americas, the american indians, and includes their presentday activities, their physical characteristics, their religious concepts. Some early20th century mormons claimed various archaeological findings such as place names. For most people, that isnt a big deal, but when you studied archaeology 1 at a churchowned university, it surprises some. The book contrasts the evidence for christianity and the bible compared to that. In 1992, we published the first issue of the book of mormon archaeological digest. Archaeology itself can be divided and subdivided into numerous disciplines. Archaeology, relics and book of mormon belief deseret news.

How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand. Archaeology research in precolumbian americas and the book of mormon. I couldnt possibly cover every book of mormon correlation in one sitting. Non mormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence.

Book of mormon archaeology and anthropology byu studies. Numerous observers have suggested that the book of mormon appears to be a work of fiction that parallels others within the 19thcentury moundbuilder genre that was pervasive at the time. This book includes highlights from my previous books and also includes exciting new findings. He once had promised that archaeological evidence for the book of mormon would be found within 10 years of nwaf starting excavations. The volume has long invited scrutiny from all branches of science. This view finds no acceptance outside of mormonism. The mormons at your door will tell you that many findings within archaeology. You will immediately begin receiving materials which include know whys all bmaf. Archaeological trends and the book of mormon origins byu.

Ancient israelites did come to america over 2400 years ago. There is absolutely no archaeological evidence to directly support the book of mormon or the nephites and lamanites, who were supposed to have numbered in the millions. If, after a reasonable period of diligent searching, material evidence is not found, then the book of mormon would be shown to be imaginary, and. We can break down this anti mormon charge into three issues. Illuminating the credibility of the book of mormon through archaeological photographs. As we begin to explore mormon archaeology, it seems appropriate to introduce the fascinating history of thomas ferguson, an attorney by trade, whose true passion manifest as an amateur archaeologist who dedicated decades of his life to the search for evidence to validate the book of mormon as a historical record.

In response to a letter hal hougey wrote in 1972 which reminded him that he had predicted in 1961 that book of mormon cities would be found within 10 years, mr. The owner and employees of this site are members of the lds church and in good standing. Supporting evidences of the book of mormon are broadly identifiable. Is there archaeological evidence for the book of mormon. Clark, a respected authority on the archaeology of precolumbian mesoamerica, teaches at brigham young university. The book of mormon was criticized during joseph smiths lifetime for the depiction of ancient israelites building a temple outside of the city of jerusalem. In addition to shedding new light on the evolution of ancient israelite religious and administrative practice, the discoveries at tel mo. Archaeology and the book of mormon wikipedia republished. The theory that the book of mormon is an ancient american history is not accepted. In fact, several mormon organizations have been founded in order to prove. Some early20th century mormons claimed various archaeological findings such as place names, and. Archaeological geographical issues mormonism research.